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Town Halls Next Week

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I'll be hosting seven (7) live, in-person town halls next week all throughout the congressional district. If you're interested in a legislative update from Congress and an opportunity to ask questions, this is your chance! Here's a link to my events page with details. We have a wide range of starting times, between noon and 5:30 PM, and a wide variety of venues. If you can't make it to…

Unpublished Data?

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*** UPDATED 7/30/2021 10:30 PM *** The CDC finally released the data referenced below on Friday afternoon. A link to those findings can be found here: I'll reiterate, the CDC owed us this data, and this should have been released as part of their revised guidance. I don't believe there was malicious intention on the…

Stop With the Mask Mandates

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Government has absolutely no business implementing new mask mandates! This is particularly true on Capitol Hill, which ought to be a shining example for our entire nation. Instead, it's become an exercise in irrational anxiety. Whether you get vaccinated or not, that’s your own decision! I did. In fact, the overwhelming majority of members and staff in this place are vaccinated, and I’d…

Statement on Mask Mandates

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On Wednesday, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) issued the following statement concerning mask mandates in general, and more specifically the recent announcement by the House of Representatives' Attending Physician to once again implement mask requirements:   "Government has absolutely no business implementing new mask mandates. This is particularly true on Capitol Hill, which ought to be a…

Newly Released Emails and the Origins of This Pandemic

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On Anthony Fauci, his newly released emails, and the origins of this pandemic… We know the Wuhan Institute of Virology received $3.4 million to research bat coronavirus. And we know that money came by way of Fauci’s agency, the taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health. Was Fauci honestly not aware of this? We also know, thanks to his emails, that the Wuhan lab conducted “gain of…

Pieces to the Puzzle

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Deceit and disinformation. That’s what China has given us since Day #1 concerning the origins of COVID-19 and the now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology. Do you remember how quickly the pandemic was blamed on people eating bats from a wet market in Wuhan, China? It wasn’t long after the world first heard about COVID-19 that Chinese authorities conveniently announced that bat hors…

A Terrible Way To Treat Our Vaccine Companies

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We can now add **patent theft** to the growing list of horrible policy decisions by President Biden. This is bad news on multiple levels.  Here’s what’s going on… Last week, Mr. Biden came out in support of canceling the intellectual property rights for Covid vaccines developed here in the United States. In other words, he wants companies like Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson &…

Questionable CDC Guidelines on Children's Camps

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Enough of this!! The federal guidelines for children's camps this summer are utterly ABSURD. Just read some of this drivel from the CDC: ❌ "Sports and athletic activities should be done outdoors, wearing a mask." ❌ "Campers should avoid playing close-contact or indoor sports." ❌ "Discourage sharing of items that are difficult to clean." Do these people even have children?! First of…

No Surprise: Big Government Exacerbates the Problem

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Have you noticed how many businesses lately are SEVERELY understaffed? Especially companies that were hit hard by the Coronavirus but are now seeing a sharp uptick in demand now that our economy is getting back on its feet. This includes restaurants, manufacturers, service companies, construction firms, and businesses in many other sectors. Let’s talk about some of the reasons…

One-Way Ticket to a Socialistic Welfare State

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The agenda outlined by President Biden on Wednesday night is a one-way ticket to a socialistic welfare state with astronomical taxes, and government encroaching on every aspect of our lives.  His vision for our nation involves growing the size of almost every corner of the federal government. (With the exception of our military, to nobody’s surprise.) There’s simply no room to talk…