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An "Undisclosed East Room Session"

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REPORT: “President Biden recently held an undisclosed East Room session with historians that included discussion of how big is too big — and how fast is too fast — to jam through once-in-a-lifetime historic changes to America.” This was the leading paragraph of a news article this morning predicting what’s to come. Naturally the question is, what other “historic changes” could they have…

They're Not Done Spending!

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Here’s what to expect from the Democrat-controlled Congress, the mainstream media, and your social media newsfeeds over the next several weeks. But first, some reminders:   Remember Democrats are about to bulldoze through another $1.9 trillion in spending they claim is for coronavirus relief.   Remember this $1.9 trillion is actually packed with inexcusably bad…

SC Moving to Phase 1B on March 8th

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GOOD NEWS: moments ago, SC DHEC announced that effective this coming Monday, March 8th, South Carolina will move into Phase 1B of the state's vaccination plan. *** TEACHERS and anyone 55 and older - this includes you! There are some additional categories of people who are also in Phase 1B - you'll want to check on the SC DHEC website for details. Again, it's not…

Spewing Trillions of Dollars All Over the Place

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This week, the House is considering yet another coronavirus spending bill.  This will be in addition to the $4 TRILLION that’s already been allocated.  Never mind that more than a trillion of that hasn’t even been spent yet – Democrats want to add another $1.9 trillion to the tab. Remember all this coronavirus money is borrowed from our children – we don’t have this sitting…

Good News, but With Some Concerns

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Good news, but with some concerns... Starting tomorrow (Monday), South Carolinians aged 65 and older will be able to schedule appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine. Previously, the age group was 70 and older.    While SC DHEC has a website (see link below) and a toll-free phone number (866) 365-8110, you **cannot** actually schedule an appointment using either of these…

Expert Forum on COVID Vaccines

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GET ANSWERS from the experts on COVID VACCINES.   This coming Tuesday, January 19th at 11 AM, I’ll be hosting a live discussion with a panel of experts about the distribution of the coronavirus vaccines here in South Carolina. Joining me for this one hour program will be an official from SC DHEC to talk about the availability of vaccines in our area, phases & timelines,…

Governance At Its Worst

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You just cannot defend what happened last night in Congress. Yesterday we were literally emailed a 5,600-page PDF that contained one of the largest spending bills in our history – over $2.3 trillion. And NOT ONE Member of Congress had time read it before a vote was called just a few short hours later.   This entire thing was negotiated behind closed doors. No hearings. No…

Just In Time

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A much-needed rebuke of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was delivered by the Supreme Court late Wednesday evening. The Court slapped down severe restrictions that Cuomo had imposed on places of worship in various parts of the Empire State. Depending on the area, many establishments were open for business as usual, while churches were limited to just a small handful of…

Good News Going Into Thanksgiving Week

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Some good news going into Thanksgiving week for South Carolina. It was recently reported that last month, our state’s unemployment rate dropped down to 4.2%.   For context, 4.2% is just a couple points higher than the historic low South Carolina set back in January, before COVID hit. (4.2% is also better than all 96 months of the Obama Administration, for those who…

Additional COVID Relief

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Liberals argue that Republican should capitulate here. They say we should agree to TRILLIONS in additional debt to cover things like bailouts for mismanaged local governments, and supplements that make it more lucrative to stay on unemployment rather than accept a suitable job. They call us “evil” when we dare question the sanity of their broad spending, yet they won’t even allow the…