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President Trump

Congressman Norman Issues Statement Following Senate Acquittal of President Trump

| Posted in Press Releases

On Wednesday, U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-5) issued the following statement following the Senate's acquittal of President Donald Trump: "Just moments ago, President Trump was acquitted and vindicated in the Senate. The partisan impeachment charade is over (for now at least). Unfortunately, it cannot be forgotten. "As we turn the page on what’s been a very dark & unnecessary…

Unlike Any Other State of the Union Address

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Two totally different worlds – two completely different mindsets – were on full display last night. It was unlike any other State of the Union address I’ve seen, either in person or on TV. There were a couple of themes to the President’s address. First, he took a well-deserved victory lap on numerous fronts: from the economy & trade to our military & war on terror. We must always…

America First or Back to Business as Usual?

| Posted in Opinion Pieces

This op-ed by Rep. Norman was originally published in The Sumter Item on January 31st, 2020. When this president was sworn in, pundits scratched their heads at his promise to put America first. Since taking office, our president has delivered on his promise to rebalance the scales of trade fairness. On Oct. 7 last year, he signed free trade agreements with Japan. Months later on Jan.…

How Leverage Works

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Lost in much of the news coverage last week was that the U.S. signed Phase One of a new trade deal with China. More on that in a moment. First let’s remember we've had major problems with that country, ranging from unfair trade practices to rampant intellectual property theft. It’s critical we recognize that China would have been nowhere near the negotiating table were it not for…

True Colors

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Gold pens brought in on silver platters. You can't make this stuff up. These were the ceremonial pens that Nancy Pelosi used yesterday to sign the House's resolution transmitting articles of impeachment over to the Senate. In a perverse form of celebration, these pens were later handed out as souvenirs to those who have been working tirelessly for impeachment since the moment President…

An Ongoing Effort to Damage President Trump

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The left’s contradictions on impeachment would be humorous if they weren’t so cynical. Remember their rush in the House of Representatives to impeach President Trump? We were all told that this hearsay and speculation was an “urgent concern” and that there was “no time to waste.” So what happened after the fastest impeachment inquiry in U.S. history and a vote entirely along party…

But Nothing

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It is truly mind-blowing to listen to Democrats’ reaction to last week’s elimination of a murderous terrorist. Statements like: “Yes, Qassem Soleimani was a terrorist but…” ❌ …but it might cause Iran to retaliate ❌ …but we didn’t have a right to strike him on Iraqi soil. ❌ …but we don’t know how imminent the attacks on our troops would have been. ❌ …but President…

Confronting a Terrorist Regime Head-On

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With the elimination of Qassem Soleimani, President Trump took a much-needed step yesterday to ensure the safety of our troops, civilians, and allies in the Middle East. Under Obama, we saw that accommodating Iran with a horribly flawed nuclear deal and even billion-dollar ransom payouts failed to change their hostile behavior. In fact, the unwillingness to confront this terrorist…

U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman Issues Statement on the Passage of the USMCA

| Posted in Press Releases

On Thursday, U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman issued the following statement after voting in favor of the USMCA: "Ultimately what the USMCA does is help level the playing field for trade between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.  The result will be more than half a million new American jobs, higher wages for our workers, and more opportunities for U.S. businesses. "Although…

One of the Darkest Days in American Politics

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Democrats are going to impeach your President today. It's disgraceful. They've been planning this since the moment he was elected, spending the last three years in a childish search for any excuse they think would justify impeachment. Yet all they managed to produce was a sham process based entirely on hearsay and speculation, where no fact witness was able to testify to any crime. Why…