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Changing Their Tune

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Forgive, yes. But I will never forget the spiteful, ridiculous comments aimed at me and the other 19 conservatives during the recent election for Speaker of the House. From op-ed writers to television commentators, many of my vocal critics were notable figures in conservative circles. (Or at least they used to be.) And many have spent the better part of their careers promoting fiscal…

The Debt Ceiling

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Over the coming weeks and months, you’ll likely hear a lot about the debt ceiling. That’s the legal amount of money the federal government can borrow.  $31,381,000,000,000 is our current debt limit. That’s $31.4 trillion, which is a MASSIVE amount of debt. The government owes this money because politicians in Washington simply will not stop spending. This has been the case for…

Biden's Classified Documents

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=== UPDATE 1:42 PM ===   Shortly after I posted this below, the U.S. Attorney General announced that a special council was being appointed to investigate the classified documents found in Biden's garage and private office. Good news.   === ORIGINAL POST === This is rich. This week we’re learning that not one, but TWO troves of classified documents have been…

More on the War with Fossil Fuels

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Now they’re coming after gas stoves! Incredible. This made news yesterday when bureaucrats in the Biden administration suggested a ban on gas stoves, citing asthma concerns based on a study that appeared to have been funded by a radical environmental group. Here we go again with the war on fossil fuels. Gas stoves are used in millions of homes and countless restaurants across the…


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Yesterday, I introduced my first piece of legislation for the new Congress. It calls for a Constitutional amendment to impose TERM LIMITS in the House and Senate, similar to what I’ve proposed previously. This resolution calls for three terms in the House, and two in the Senate. Congress can certainly debate the appropriate number of terms, of course; this is a starting point for…

Update on Form 1099-K Letter to IRS

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I meant to post about this earlier, but I'm pleased to report that after sending this letter (below), the IRS announced it would delay implementation of its lower reporting threshold for payments sent using third-party apps like Venmo, PayPal, etc. This is good news, at least for the time being. There are all sorts of benign payments that are not taxable income, and shouldn't trigger…

Rep. Ralph Norman Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Impose Congressional Term Limits

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Washington, D.C. – On Monday, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), and an additional 43 co-sponsors introduced H.J. Res. 11, an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to limit the number of terms someone may serve. This amendment, if ratified, would limit the number of terms a Member of Congress may serve. Those serving in the House of Representatives would be limited to…

Vote to Defund 87,000 IRS Agents

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TONIGHT: I’ll be voting in just a moment to DEFUND Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents. This is the first order of new business for the Republican-controlled House. I love it. If you recall, Democrats tried to pay for a tiny part of that reckless “Inflation Reduction Act” by turbocharging the IRS with 87,000 IRS new agents. Their idea was these agents would be used to audit more of…

Developments in the House Speaker Election

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Last night, I joined Laura Ingraham to discuss the latest developments in the House Speaker election. ***Friends, if this is the first post you've seen from me on this important issue, I invite you to please go back and catch up on a string of updates over this past week. Simply click my name (above) to see my timeline, then scroll down to Sunday, January 1st and work back up. Additional…

Rep. Ralph Norman Issues Statement on Vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker

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On Friday, Rep. Ralph Norman issued the following statement after voting for Rep. Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House of Representatives:   "From the beginning, I've been clear that restoring fiscal sanity to Congress is my top priority. It's crucial for the next Republican Speaker to leverage every tool at his disposal to cut spending, balance the budget, and start…