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Spending Cuts and Debt

A Permanent Ban on Pork Barrel Spending

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“Pork” or “pork barrel spending” is what it’s often called. More formally it’s known as earmarks.   Congress actually banned earmarks back in 2011, but now some Democrats are trying to resurrect them. Moments ago I introduced a bill in the House that would stop this effort in its tracks and make permanent the federal ban on earmarks, because they’re a horrible way to…

Over 2,300 Pages. Less Than 24 Hours

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With all the talk about this impeachment nonsense, you may not have heard that the House will be voting on two bills today (Tuesday) which would fund the federal government through the end of its fiscal year. Around 5:00 PM yesterday, these bills – totaling more than 2,300 pages – were posted for Members and staff to review. Apparently, we're supposed to read and make an informed…

New Bill to Improve Presidential Rescission Requests

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Earlier today, I introduced new legislation in the House called the "AFTER Appropriations Act." This is a powerful yet easy-to-understand bill that aims to help curb wasteful spending. Up in Washington, a request to eliminate spending on items that have previously been approved by Congress is known as a "rescission request." While Congress is the branch of government that authorizes…

U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman Introduces Legislation to Help Control Needless Spending

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On Thursday, U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-05) introduced the "AFTER Appropriations Act," which would require Congress to vote on Presidential rescission requests within an expedited time frame.   Under current law, the President can submit recommended rescissions to Congress to eliminate unnecessary or wasteful spending. Congress, however, is not required to act on those…

Kicking the Can Down the Road

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I’d like to explain an important vote that took place yesterday in the House. We’re going to get “down in the weeds” a little, so stick with me. Every year, Congress is supposed to pass 12 appropriations bills. Each of these bills authorizes funding for certain areas of the federal government. (For example, one bill authorizes funding for the Dept. of Defense. Another authorizes funding…

U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman Co-Sponsors Two Bills to Address Federal Budget, Debt, and Spending

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This week, U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-5) co-sponsored two bills in the House of Representatives to help address our national debt, federal spending, and Congress’ inability to pass a budget: 1. Budget Process Enhancement Act   The The Budget Process Enhancement Act, introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-05) and co-sponsored by Rep. Norman, would accomplish two…

Telephone Town Hall

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Over the summer, I hosted eight (8) town halls in-person around the district.  We covered Lancaster, York, Cherokee, Sumter, Newberry, and Union Counties.  It was great to see so many people come out for those events, and I look forward to doing many more in the future. Even though my in-person events are very well-attended, the truth is that telephone town halls allow me to…