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Liberal Spending Packages

U.S. Creditworthiness Downgrade

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The creditworthiness of the United States was downgraded by Fitch Ratings earlier this week. Everyone from the White House and Janet Yellen to financial analysts and journalists were losing their minds over this news. But why on earth does this surprise anyone?! Our nation is over $32 trillion in debt. Our deficit spending is out of control; we are spending trillions of dollars more…

June 1st Tele-Town Hall Replay

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With thousands of constituents on the phone, I covered a wide variety of topics yesterday during my telephone town hall. This include a long discussion on the the debt ceiling "deal" and our nation's massive debt problem. For those who missed it, you can catch a full reply here...

One Trillion and Counting

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If you stacked $100 bills more than 630 miles in the sky, you'd have $1 trillion.  Just $1 trillion. Now multiply that by 32.  That's how much debt we're in: $32 trillion and counting. It's borderline criminal. Democrats don't seem to care. Every time they open their mouths its to call for more spending, more programs, more agencies, more regulations, more bureaucrats, more…

Remarks at CPAC

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It was an honor be part of a special forum this morning at CPAC with Rep. Scott Perry, where we covered a wide variety of important issues facing Congress. The weaponization of government, border security, the Speaker's election, China, and more... nothing was off limits. Give a listen!

Commitment to America

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I get a lot of questions about what Republicans will do next year when we take back control of the House of Representatives. These are important questions. After all, we can talk forever about spiraling inflation, record illegal immigration, rising violent crime, foreign policy disasters, fentanyl crisis, “woke” education programs, out of control government bureaucracies, etc. But it’s…

Another Great Sound Title

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It’s all smoke & mirrors. We’re shown this massive piece of legislation with a great sounding title, and you’re told the bill does what the title says. Only it’s a COMPLETE LIE! We see this over and over again in Congress, and I’m tired of it! The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” is just the latest example – I covered this in a previous post a couple of days ago. This will…

America has officially entered the Biden Recession

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📛 America has officially entered the Biden Recession. Not that there was any doubt, but this morning it was confirmed. Now we know why the White House has been in overdrive lately trying to redefine the common definition of the word recession. More on that in a second. But first, according to data released this morning, our economy shrank during the quarter from April through June.…

A Profound Number

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A stack of 1 trillion pennies would reach the moon, come back to earth, and reach the moon again. Compared to millions and even billions, a trillion is a profound number. Think about this: 🔸 1 million seconds is equivalent to about 11 ½ days. 🔸 1 billion seconds is equivalent to about 31 ½ years. 🔸 1 trillion seconds is equivalent to over 31,710 years. Now think about this: since…


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Just reported moments ago, inflation numbers from last month came in at 9.1%, exceeding EVERY projection. This is truly awful on multiple levels. We are in a serious mess due, in large part, to the excessive spending by Democrats in control of Congress and the President’s policies in the White House. Against all better judgement, they dumped almost TWO TRILLION DOLLARS into an economy…