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Liberal Spending Packages

“Ralph, what are you doing to stop all this?”

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I voted NO last night, just like I promised. For those who are interested, here’s a quick & simple summary of what happened yesterday in the House of Representatives on the two massive tax & spend proposals.   Remember we’re talking about two separate bills. Bill #1 has been dubbed the “infrastructure bill.” It has over $1 trillion that deals with infrastructure…

Add One More No Vote to My Growing Tally

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There was a lady sitting towards the back of the room at my town hall a couple months ago in York County. She appeared rather upset over the number of bills I’d voted against in Congress… ever since Democrats took control of the House. In fact, she seemed to know the exact number! You know, as if my purpose in Congress should be to rubber stamp the Democrats’ socialist agenda. Clearly to…

Let's Talk Details

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Washington Storm

Let’s talk details. This is a long post, I know, but it’s important for everyone to understand just how bad the Democrats’ massive tax & spend package is going to be. Remember, this bill isn’t even finalized yet. I’ve linked to their initial version below. As of now, this is a 2,465-page monster that will expand cradle-to-grave government dependence, make inflation worse, and put our…

They Own It

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I flew up to Washington earlier today in order to vote NO this evening on raising the debt limit. I'm done with spending RECKLESS amounts of money. I'm done with raising the ceiling each time the federal government reaches its borrowing limit. I'm done with the complacency on government waste, and this SICK mentality that it's somehow okay to kneecap our future generations with debt…

On This Point, Bernie Sanders Is Spot On

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I disagree with just about every word that comes out of Bernie Sanders' mouth. But on this comment he made just a few minutes ago, the socialist Senator from Vermont is spot on: "It is an absurd way to do business," he said, "to be negotiating a multitrillion dollar bill a few minutes before a major vote with virtually nobody knowing what's going on. That's unacceptable." In this late…

One Chaotic Week in Congress

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I think Democrats have all but conceded catastrophic losses in the 2022 midterm elections. That would certainly explain why they’re determined to remake as much of the country as they can, while they still have control of Congress and the White House. That brings us to two massive spending bills on the table this week: Bill #1 is a $1 trillion package that deals (to some extent) with…

They're After More of Your Money

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Democrats are after more of your money. That’s no surprise, but we’re just now getting a better look at exactly what they’re after, based on documents circulated over the weekend. “Why?” is a logical question. In other words, why are Democrats trying to raise taxes? The answer is because they’re working on massive increases in federal spending – a lot of it on social, climate, and other…

September Is Going To Be a Mess

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On a scale of craziness from 1 to 10, the next few weeks in Congress should easily hit 15. (Maybe higher.) Here’s what’s coming down the pike: First, the utter disaster in Afghanistan. President Biden’s botched withdrawal ignored countless critical details and numerous warning signs. Hands down, this is one of the WORST presidential failures of our lifetime. It won’t be long before much…