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Health Care

Solid Advice From an E.R. Physician on the Coronavirus

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Dr. Robert Lesslie, M.D. is a highly respected physician and author in South Carolina who is Board-certified in both emergency and occupational medicine. Last night, he sent me very well-written current analysis of the Coronavirus (see link below). I'd like to quote some of his guidance here: ********** 1. Don’t panic. There is no evidence that this is the end of the world. No trumpets…

Unlike Any Other State of the Union Address

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Two totally different worlds – two completely different mindsets – were on full display last night. It was unlike any other State of the Union address I’ve seen, either in person or on TV. There were a couple of themes to the President’s address. First, he took a well-deserved victory lap on numerous fronts: from the economy & trade to our military & war on terror. We must always…

Telephone Town Hall

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Over the summer, I hosted eight (8) town halls in-person around the district.  We covered Lancaster, York, Cherokee, Sumter, Newberry, and Union Counties.  It was great to see so many people come out for those events, and I look forward to doing many more in the future. Even though my in-person events are very well-attended, the truth is that telephone town halls allow me to…