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Liberal Spending Packages

What’s Your Solution, Ralph?

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“What’s your solution, Ralph?” I get that question all the time, especially when I talk about wasteful spending in Congress and our $30 trillion in federal debt. Friends, our nation is heading for financial ruin. I’m so tired of being asked to vote “yes” on new spending bills with no offsets. I’m tired of bloated, wasteful government. I’m tired of agency heads who claim they can't do…

REPLAY: Joint Tele-Town Hall w/ Rep. Jeff Duncan and Rep. William Timmons

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A very special thanks to Congressman Jeff Duncan and Rep. William Timmons! The three of us hosted an incredible joint tele-town hall on April 5th, with tens of thousands of constituents joining us on the phone from back home in South Carolina. There were many great questions about inflation, illegal immigration, Ukraine, and other issues facing our country. You can catch a full replay…

Upcoming Tele-Town Hall on April 5th

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Please make your calendar for Tuesday, April 5th at 6:00 PM ET for a special live telephone town hall.  Joining me will be two other congressman from South Carolina, Rep. Jeff Duncan and Rep. William Timmons! During this call, we'll be discussing the important domestic issues facing our country, including rising inflation, increases in violent crime, and alarming…

One Missed Opportunity After Another

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Did any of you watch the State of the Union earlier tonight? It was a spin job like no other. Not to beat a dead horse, but inflation is at a 40 year high under Biden's watch. His policies have enabled & encouraged more than 2 million people to illegally cross our border in the last year. Violent crime is rising. We're now $30 trillion in national debt, while he wants trillions more…

Update on "Build Back Broke"

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Great news this Sunday morning as Sen. Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) announced he would NOT vote for President Biden’s massive tax & spend “Build Back Broke” (BBB) plan. Remember the Senate is split 50-50, and every Republican realized this was a bad deal for America. So with Sen. Manchin opposing the bill, it’s not going anywhere in the Senate… at least for now. A few random…

Christmas Came a Little Early This Year

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Christmas came a little early this year!  1️⃣ The socialist “Build Back Broke” legislation stalled out yesterday.  2️⃣ Separately, the Senate Parliamentarian ruled, again, that Democrats could not include amnesty in that legislation.  And 3️⃣ Biden backed off trying to pay illegal immigrants $450,000 each in “legal settlements.” All of this is promising news heading into…

"Build Back Broke"

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I was a resounding NO vote just moments ago. In fact, every Republican voted NO. But Democrats in the House still managed to ram through their massive socialist spending spree. (What they laughably call the “Build Back Better” plan.) I will never understand the thinking of those who support this bill. It is the most irresponsible and liberal legislation we’ve seen in decades. Want…

Two Simple Questions Ought To Guide Every Vote in Congress

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It’s like spending $75 on a hamburger because you really like the restaurant’s pickles. You’d never do that, but for some reason, you’re supposed to applaud the government spending over a trillion dollars on a so-called “infrastructure” bill the week before last, which had only a pickel’s worth of spending on actual infrastructure.   Two simple questions ought to guide…

Conning the American Public

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Printing Money

Last night, we received an alarming update on the projected costs of the Democrats’ “Build Back Better” plan. Remember this is the next round of massive, multi-trillion-dollar, socialist spending they’re trying to ram through Congress while they still can. As I covered in my post Sunday night, Democrats have intentionally manipulated this legislation by adding sham expiration dates to…

Hopefully It Fails

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It was only a week ago that Nancy Pelosi managed to twist enough arms to pass a massive $1.2 trillion spending bill. That legislation had a small amount of appropriate infrastructure spending, but a TON of unnecessary waste and government overreach. It should have never passed the House, but thirteen Republicans – approx. 6% of total Republicans in the House – helped Democrats push it…