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Another Great Sound Title

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It’s all smoke & mirrors. We’re shown this massive piece of legislation with a great sounding title, and you’re told the bill does what the title says. Only it’s a COMPLETE LIE! We see this over and over again in Congress, and I’m tired of it! The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” is just the latest example – I covered this in a previous post a couple of days ago. This will…

A Profound Number

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A stack of 1 trillion pennies would reach the moon, come back to earth, and reach the moon again. Compared to millions and even billions, a trillion is a profound number. Think about this: 🔸 1 million seconds is equivalent to about 11 ½ days. 🔸 1 billion seconds is equivalent to about 31 ½ years. 🔸 1 trillion seconds is equivalent to over 31,710 years. Now think about this: since…


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Just reported moments ago, inflation numbers from last month came in at 9.1%, exceeding EVERY projection. This is truly awful on multiple levels. We are in a serious mess due, in large part, to the excessive spending by Democrats in control of Congress and the President’s policies in the White House. Against all better judgement, they dumped almost TWO TRILLION DOLLARS into an economy…

It's All a Ruse

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Tags: Inflation

I’m sorry, but it’s just not possible (or healthy) for me to be on Facebook commenting on every bad policy coming out of this White House.  There are just too many of them. So when President Biden recently suggested a gas tax “holiday” for three months to combat the skyrocketing fuel prices caused by his energy policies, I thought surely that idea would be ignored as an unserious…

Special hearing on Skyrocketing Energy Prices

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There’s only one job where you can get away with causing a massive crisis, denying you caused it, pretending to fix it but not really, and then trying to shift blame to anyone else but yourself. That job is being a Democrat president. Yesterday I took an earlier flight to D.C. to participate in a special hearing at the Heritage Foundation on inflation and skyrocketing energy prices…

Rates on the Rise

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Tags: Inflation

Here’s a high-level explanation of what just happened today concerning interest rates. I know this is a major concern for many people. Inflation is out of control right now. There are many factors behind rising prices, but a big one has been excessive government stimulus. We’re talking trillions of unnecessary dollars that have been poured into our economy. Sidenote: everyone in this…

New Day, New Record

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New day, new record.  Do I think President Biden is solely responsible for this? No, his policies are a major ingredient, but not the whole recipe. There are other global factors in play as well. But given what he can control, has this President acted in the best interest of the American people? Has he done what he can to keep our fuel prices from skyrocketing? ABSOLUTELY NOT. In…

What’s Your Solution, Ralph?

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“What’s your solution, Ralph?” I get that question all the time, especially when I talk about wasteful spending in Congress and our $30 trillion in federal debt. Friends, our nation is heading for financial ruin. I’m so tired of being asked to vote “yes” on new spending bills with no offsets. I’m tired of bloated, wasteful government. I’m tired of agency heads who claim they can't do…

Two-Sided Equation

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If this President wanted to bring down inflation, the LAST thing he should do is call for higher taxes. Biden’s inflation crisis was NOT caused by taxes being too low. No legitimate economist, and no rational political observer honestly believes that. Instead, Biden’s inflation crisis must be attacked on two separate fronts: supply-side and demand-side. Let’s start…

Upcoming Forum on South Carolina's Economy

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How long will inflation continue to rise? How long will labor shortages continue to be a problem? Is a recession on the horizon? How should companies and employees prepare for the next 12-18 months? To help answer these questions, I’ll be hosting and moderating a special forum in Sumter starting at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, May 4th.  Joining me to provide their insight will be three…